Issue: September 1985


From the Editor ...

Fr. Laisney announces a new Angelus Press publication in order to foster vocations.

The Archbishop Speaks: The Church, the Priesthood and the Tridentine Indult

A conference of His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre to priests, 29 Octoer 1984, at Stuttgart, Germany.

Rock and Roll: A Deadly Revolution

Rock comes from revolt. It leads to revolt. It is to be judged and to be treated like a revolt, negatively by repressing the disorder, positively—and that is more important—by restoring order...

A Parents' Prayer

A traditional prayer to be said by parents in behalf of their children.

An Interview with the Coordinator for the Carmel of the Holy Trinity

Proximate preparations for the impending arrival of the Carmelites are underway.

Pilgrimage to Lourdes

A pilgrim reports on the recent English pilgrimage to Lourdes for the feast of the Assumption, coinciding with a visit of Archbishop Lefebvre there.

Our Father : A Commentary by St. Thomas Aquinas

We continue our series on prayer this month with the commentary of St. Thomas on the Our Father.

The Devastated Vineyard

Michael Davies delivers the second review in a series designed to help traditional Catholics build up a library which will enable them to present our cause in an informed, documented, and balanced manner.

Jesus Pardoning

A selection from The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood by Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche.

The Good Samaritan

In this issue we continue to "search the Scriptures" by presenting the profound and imaginative commentaries of the Fathers on one of the best-loved parables in the Sunday Gospels.

News Briefs

RNS items about a bishop resisting dissident nuns, the Dignity homosexual group, forgetfulness of events of WWII, episcopal persistence in praising Vatican II twenty years later, and two Catholic Masonic leaders defying a Church ruling.

Ask Me...

Father Carl responds to questions about abortion rights in a pluralistic society like the U.S., the descent of the human race from one couple, godparenting, grandparenting, and television as a near occasion of sin and what to do about it.