Issue: June 1978


The Archbishop's Tour

There is no news which electrifies the true Roman Catholic population of America more than to hear that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X and founder of the traditional seminary in Ecône, is making a visit to the United States!

Saint Margaret Clitherow

Dr. Malcolm Brennan tells of the martyrdom of the Englishwoman Margaret Clitherow and the England of other recusants of her time. Interesting facts about the changes introduced by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, during the reign Edward VI, which parallel the changes made in the Mass after Vatican II.


Priests are refusing to administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction; they cannot be bothered...

By What Authority?

In the present period of general apostasy...unqualified teachers have not failed to appear, and the good of souls obliges us to unmask them before faithful Catholics...

The Church Militant

News of the work of the SSPX from France and Switzerland.

The Church & the New Order, Pt. 3

The Revolution and Felicité de Lamennais's role, continued from the April issue.

Almost a year ago...

Anniversary of the dedication of Queen of Angelus Roman Catholic Chapel in Dickinson, Texas; photos of the church and participants.

Three Great Gifts of God

Sermon pronounced at Econe by His Excellency, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on September 18, 1978, the 30th anniversary of his episcopal consecration. "...It is impossible to separate the past from the present and the future. Sustaining ourselves with the past we are sure of the present and the future."

Scriptural Prophecies for Pentecost

A catena of quotations from the Old Testament foretelling the Kingdom of God on earth, the Church, as well as the Sacraments and many other aspects of Christ's Church and reign.

Yearning for the Latin Mass

A goodly number of pseudo-reformist movements these days consist of powerful elites telling the majority of people what to do. Elites grab control of an agency, an institution, a political body, then proceed to legislate without regard to majority opinion. Take the matter of the Latin Mass...

Random Notes...

• An announcement about the Angelus Press

• News of Tradition in the U.S. and abroad

Ask Me

What is the charismatic movement? May one go to confession to a priest that says the New Mass? What were traditional Catholics called before Vatican II?