Issue: November 1984


From the Editor's Desk

The Indult Mass is here! Father Laisney assesses the October 3, 1984, Decree of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship authorizing the Tridentine Mass under certain conditions.

Letter from the Congregation for Divine Worship to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences

The official letter to the bishops explaining the terms of the indult authorized by the Holy See.

Statement of Fr. Franz Schmidberger

The Superior General of the SSPX comments on the indult accorded for the celebration of the 1962 traditional Latin Mass.

The Church Since Vatican II

A lecture by Michael Davies given in Dublin and Belfast in which he provides a simple account of the causes behind the present crisis in the Church.

St. Charles Borromeo

This year on the third of November is the 400th Anniversary of the death of one of the greatest prelates of modern times...

The Traditionalist Movement and the Pro-Life Movement

Once one understands the relationship between Protestantism and legalized abortion, he can see why the practice of legalized abortion has spread throughout the West since the Second Vatican Council...

Book Review: The Pope and the Jesuits

Fr. Philip Stark reviews the latest book by James Hitchcock, The Pope and the Jesuits, about relations between Pope John Paul II and the Society of Jesus.

Ridgefield Diary

A slice of life at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary from a seminarian's viewpoint.

Passing through Hellas

A cradle Catholic at last gets it! Edward O'Brien, Jr., tells a parable about Faith and Philosophy featuring as hero St. Augustine.

News Briefs

Religious news from around the world.

Death, Hell, Purgatory

The following essay by F. J. Sheed appears in his book,Theology for Beginners.

Cardinal Newman's Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Cardinal Newman's prayers for the suffering souls.

May We Suggest....

The Angelus Press has a suggestion for those who would like to avail themselves of an indult Mass.

Ask Me...

Father Carl answers questions about animal organs transplanted into human beings, in vitro fertilization, and the prayer for the bishop in the Canon of the Mass.