Issue: January 2023
Letter from the District Superior
Fr. John Fullerton District Superior, USA Dear Reader, G. K. Chesterton once added to his countless quips by stating, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found...
The Age of Light
By Diaconissimus In the popular conception, the word “medieval” is bereft of positive connotations. It denotes something ignorant or close-minded, at best; something to be...
A Window into Theology’s Golden Age
Medieval Christendom, especially during the thirteenth century, boasted a vibrant, complex, beautiful culture—and a tour of Europe’s greatest city, Paris, makes this claim abundantly clear. The French royal capital boasted a population of nearly 200,000 Catholics among an impressive array of walls, gates, towers, churches, palaces, monasteries, hospices, lodgings, markets, shops, quays, and storehouses...
An Apology for Pious Legends of the Golden Kind
By Jonathan Wanner If all the books of the 13th century held a popularity contest, the Golden Legend would give the Bible and the Book of Hours a run for their money. Handwritten copies...
The Art of Matthew Paris
The work of Matthew Paris and the 13th-century English Gothic style—a model for artists today? By Prof. David Clayton The Gothic is an authentic and distinct style of liturgical...
The Owl and the Nightingale
The poem The Owl and the Nightingale was written in Middle English by an anonymous author of the twelfth or thirteenth century. It is the earliest example of “debate poetry,” in which character representatives of two natural opposites—and, in this case, characters who allegorize themselves as different parts of the Body of Christ—duke it out in verse.
William of Tocco’s Life of St. Thomas Aquinas (1323)
The First Biography of the Angelic Doctor in Translation By David M. Foley, Ph.D. Angelus Press is in the final stages of preparing this previously untranslated text for...
The Angelic Doctor
Our Guide in Philosophy and Theology By Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre This is an excerpt from They Have Uncrowned Him , 1988, pp. 225-230. For great evils, great remedies! What...
My Path to Tradition
By Scott Dunn 1. Tell us a little about yourself. Where did you grow up, and what was your level of exposure to Catholicism as a child and as a young adult? I was born in 1966 and...
A Matter of Justice
By Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize, SSPX On October 14, 2022, the website of the Fraternity of St. Peter,, published a study signed by Fr. Josef Bisig and Fr. Louis-Marie de...
Meditations on St. John’s Gospel—Chapter Sixteen
Our Lord is still preparing His disciples for His leaving them. He wants them not to be scandalized (vs. 1) either by this—and the manner in which He will be maltreated beforehand—or by what will befall them afterwards. He lets them know in advance (vs. 4), as He already had done concerning His own Person, that they will be roughly treated (15:20) and even killed (vs. 2)...
Medieval Canon Lawyers and “The Heretical Pope”
By Pauper Peregrinus Since the days of the apostles, the Church has had two kinds of law. There is divine law, which she has received from God, and which, expounding for all mankind, she...