Issue: May 2020

Letter from the Publisher

Why should we dedicate an issue to India?

“In Journeying Often”

A historical overview of the work of St. Francis Xavier in India.

East Meets West: T. S. Eliot and India

An analysis of T.S. Eliot's relationship to India.

Christianity in Pakistan

A survey of the history of Christianity in India's neighbor, Pakistan.

The History of Catholicism in India

From the Apostle Thomas to the present day: Catholicism in India.

The Orphanage in India

On the Consoling Sisters' work in India among the poor.

How to Be a Missionary

An important lesson on missionary work.

Reading St. John—Part Three: Signs

The third part of an ongoing study of the Gospel of St. John.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: The Offertory—Part Three

The third part of an ongoing series on the Offertory at Mass.

Divina Disponente

Pope Benedict XV's canonization bull for St. Joan of Arc.

Saint Joan of Arc

A reflection on St. Joan of Arc.

The Millstone and the Scandal of the Cross

On the innocence of children.

Cathedral Notre-Dame of Bayeux

A detailed survey of the architectural wonder that is Cathedral Notre-Dame of Bayeux.

The Icon of Pentecost

On the theology and symbolism of the Byzantine icon for Pentecost.

Einstein and the Priest

On the friendship between Albert Einstein and Fr. Georges Lemaître.

India: Is It the Graveyard of the Naturalist Enlightenment and Pluralism?

An exciting take on the role India has played in recent history.

Hush! Silence

On the importance of silence.

Questions and Answers

Answers on the Eucharistic fast and loving one's enemies.

Complex Questions & Simple Answers

More simple answers to complex questions involving unbaptized infants and meriting salvation.

The Church Is Greater Than the Pope

A theological study on the relationship between the pope and the Church.

The Last Word

Baptism enlightens the intellect and opens the way to wisdom.