Issue: November 2019

Letter from the Publisher

Our duty is not to bury our head in the sand, but to open our eyes to the issue at stake and take what disposition we still control in order to protect those under our care as well as rescue the victims of this modern epidemic.


It’s “Catholic to Drink”

A first-hand account of the experiences of a traditional Catholic man who struggles with alcohol addiction. 

Addiction: Giving Words Their Meaning

By Godeleine Lafargue   Dependency, addiction, habitus …there are many terms for dependent behavior developed to an unreasonable extent by some object such as drugs, computers,...

Drug Addiction, Abuse, and Dependency

Any discussion of these issues should start with two disclaimers. First, the research and laws are rapidly changing, often politically and emotionally charged, and frequently contradicting each other. Second, the terminology and definitions vary considerably. In this article the attempt is made to provide a general overview, with the full understanding that many readers may disagree with part or all of the statements therein...

Give Me My Error or Give Me Death

By John Rao, D.Phil. Oxon. Obstacles to the cure of an addiction are legion, but the most basic is the refusal of the addict to admit that he has a problem. Such a denial allows the addiction...

May I Help You?

By Fr. Dominique Bourmaud When in good health, we humans, being a gregarious species, tend to congregate and mix readily. However, when in trouble, we tend to shy away from people. And, when in...

The Value of Silence

By Jane Carver “In the solitude and silence of the wilderness…for their labor in the contest, God gives His athletes the reward they desire: a peace that the world does not know and...

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: The Credo

by Fr. Christopher Danel On certain days and feasts, the announcement of the good tidings of salvation is followed by the solemn profession of faith. When the Credo occurs, it forms the answer...

Letter to a Young Man on Purity

Dear Augustine,

Having just arrived at law school, you discover a moral void that distresses you. Your fellow-students in the lecture hall are much more interested in the famous Thursday night parties than by the subtleties of the Civil Code. You know very little about these parties, but what they say is enough to dissuade you: girls, alcohol, drugs, “music” that’s more than doubtful…

When Bishops Meet

By Gabriel S. Sanchez, J.D. Fr. John W. O’Malley, an eminent historian who has penned monographs on the early Jesuits, the Council of Trent, the First Vatican Council, and Vatican II, has...

Idleness is the Enemy of the Soul

By a Benedictine Monk Our spiritual life is composed of God’s grace and our reception of His grace. Everything is a gift from God, but we must do all in our power to dispose our soul to...

Guilt and the Suffering Servant

By Anonymous “We had all gone astray like sheep, all following our own way;  But the Lord laid upon Him the guilt of us all” (Is. 53:6). According to Sigmund Freud, guilt...

The Icon of the Nativity of Christ

By Romanus An “icon” is the painted representation of religious events or personages. Today icons are usually associated with Byzantine tradition, although, in fact, they are part...

California Missions

By Dr. France-Marie Hilgar
There are 20 missions in California and two ways to examine them: geographically and chronologically.

The Dispenser of Holy Water

The following article by Guy de Maupassant appeared originally in Nouvelles de Chrétienté No. 174 Nov/Dec 2018.

Book Review: The Eighth Arrow

In a recent YouTube interview, Catholic priest turned Fantasy novelist Fr. J. Augustine Wetta reveals that the idea for his novel The Eighth Arrow came during a conversation with British...

Questions and Answers


How often should I go to confession?
If I go wilderness camping over the weekend, do I have to trek out four hours to go to Mass?
Do I really have to get a hunting or fishing license, morally speaking?



News from Tradition

WWII Prisoners of War Built a Catholic Chapel in Wales During the early days of World War II, some 1,200 Italian soldiers were captured by the Allies in North Africa. In 1943, these men were...

From Disinformation to True Information

The following is a transcript of conference given by Fr. Alan Lorans, August 12, 2018 during the Summer University of the Society of Saint Pius X in St. Joseph des Carmes School (France). 

The Last Word

Any addiction can be broken by the power of grace. It is a theological certainty proven by history.