Issue: November 2012

The Mercy of God

“If God is infinitely merciful how can He condemn souls to hell?”

Balm of Penance

“I would rather feel compunction than know its definition.” These words of the Imitation of Christ express the purpose of the penitent approaching the confessional.

Examination of Conscience: What is it? How do we make it?

If our goal is God and the light is God’s, then we must seek it from the true source, the Holy Ghost. Every good examination of conscience must begin with an invocation to the Holy Ghost.

A Psychologist Looks at the Practice of Confession

The pre-Vatican II generation is more likely to go to confession (42%) than the Millennial (young people) generation (27%).

Sins at the Bottom of the Sea: The Boon of Confession

The sacrament of penance or confession is not an option for anyone who calls himself Christian.

A Mysterious Action of Christ

Christ continues the office of His priesthood not only from Heaven, but also here on earth, in a very hidden but real way through the Church

When Private Penance Is Not Enough

Public confession and penance is not a topic that traditionalist Catholics much like to mention. In our minds it generally involves bad experiences.

Tridentine Teaching on Confession

As the frailty and weakness of human nature are universally known and felt by each one in himself, no one can be ignorant of the great necessity of the Sacrament of Penance.

An Apologetic Look at Confession

Of all Catholic doctrines, few are more viscerally rejected by Protestants than that dealing with the sacrament of penance.

The Life and Martyrdom of Father Leo Heinrichs, O.F.M. At the Feet of the Virgin

It would be a major mistake for traditional Catholics to neglect devotion to Fr. Leo Heinrichs. May his prayers and intercession guide us as we face whatever the future may hold.

Perspective on Stained Glass

Stained-glass art translates the beauty of light for us, and through this very Christian art form, we glorify God.

St. John the Baptist: Innocence and Penitence

“Among those born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist.” Matt. 11:11

Ten Ways to Improve the Catholicity of Your Marriage

Here are ten specific ways to improve the Catholicity, and thus spiritual love, in your own marriage.

Questions and Answers

  • Can God lead us into temptation?
  • How did the Holy Innocents go to heaven?
  • Would it be sinful to omit the meal prayers in public and at work among non-Catholics?

Church and World

* Interview with Fr. Niklaus Pfluger on the present situation of the Society.

* A Missionary Sister takes the Habit in Kenya.

* Ordinations at the Benedictine Monastary in France.

Courrier de Rome: The Key to Understanding Vatican II

We bring to your attention the publication of a new book on the Second Vatican Council, a work of historical character by Prof. Roberto De Mattei, renowned for his studies on the history of the Church and for defending Christianity.

The Last Word

Certainly the relations between God and man have been practically redefined by the modernists.