Issue: August 2008

Letter from the Editor

Fr. Novak's final Letter as editor of the Angelus, in which he welcomes the new editor and takes stock of the situation 16 years after his own debut at the helm of Angelus Press.

Pope Benedict XVI Visits the USA

Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the U.S. (April 15-21, 2008) was very important: His various addresses allow us to get a better grasp of his thinking...

The Noonday Devil

"[T]hou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night...or of the noonday devil," reads the Vulgate.The "noonday devil"?...

The noonday devil stalks the burnout, the weary, the alienated, the disappointed, the frustrated, the stressed... The noonday devil "makes hay while the sun shines" among the masses of the disillusioned who have been led astray from God and among Catholics who have fallen away from the habit of daily prayer–morning, noon and night–and examination of conscience...

Leadership and the Gift of Self

Twenty Minutes with Fr. de Chivré

Questions & Answers

Fr. Scott addresses questions about cry rooms in churches, secularism and pluralism.

Winning Photo Essay Contest, June 2008

Miss Callia Watner of Gramling, South Carolina, penned the winning essay inspired by the photo published in the June issue.

Si Si No No #82

Prof. D'Amico scrutinizes the question: "Two Interpretations of Vatican Two: Myth or Reality"; and Fr. Pagliarani examines the "Erosion of the Council's Authority" and concludes: It is legitimate to question the Council...

Under the Sign of the Assumption

A brief history of the Catholic Church in Japan, where the SSPX has two Mass centers: one in Tokyo and one in Osaka.

Catechism of the Crisis in the Church, Pt. 15

To understand what the New Mass did, it is first necessary to know what the essential nature of the traditional Mass is–a sacrifice. The preliminary questions examine Luther's rejection of the sacrificial nature of the Mass.

Heraldry, Pt. 2

St. Pius X did not live in a vacuum, but was part of the pontifical environment of his times, an era from 1832-1958. I have picked six popes who included in their various agenda the priority to hand down the Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church intact. These were Popes Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII.