Issue: June 2002


Forerunners of the New Age: The Gnostics and Carl Jung

A study of the new Gnosticism that has infiltrated and pervades Western thinking through the intermediary of Carl Jung's dream pschoanalysis, by Gyula A. Mago. "Fifty years ago Freud looked more influential and destructive of religion than Jung. Today it looks just the other way around. The apparent demonic inspiration of the originally innocent-looking ideas of Jung may explain their more lasting effect..."

Moissac: The Abbey of Saint Peter

Dr. Hilgar takes us on a tour of St. Peter's Abbey Church at Moissac, near Toulouse, in southwest France, the cloister of which is one of the finest galleries of Romanesque art in the world and the oldest and largest cloister with narrative capitals.

Doctrinal Intolerance

A sermon of the great Cardinal Pie, appearing here for the first time in English, which he preached twice at the Cathedral of Chartres in 1841 and 1847.