Issue: November 1987


From the Desk of the Editor

We have a lot of good news to give you in this issue...

Sermon of His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: On His Fortieth Anniversary as a Bishop

In the course of these forty years, my entire episcopacy has been directed by a light. What is that light?...

The Silenced Bells Are Rung Again

Father Krupa's story of a Catholic priest in Communist Hungary continues.

A Bishop's Letter on Women Priests

An 80-year-old bishop uses Scriptural exegesis to support the Church's rule against women priests in this brief letter to Cardinal Ratzinger.

A Letter from Ridgefield

News from the beginning of the school year till winter's first snowfall.

The Wonderous Tale of the Wizard Clip

Of poltergeists and exorcisms and occult phenomena in colonial America!

Joyfulness of the heart is the life of a man

A spot of humor.

Tridentine Latin Rite May Be a Simple Solution

A retired 80-year old bishop has a suggestion for John Paul II to solve the problem of traditional Catholics.

News Briefs

"I am a member of a sexist Church," "Conservative Catholics upset with Synod emphasis on women," "Anglican clergyman first to be ordained priest," and some short items culled from world religious news.

St. Michael the Archangel Church Farmingville, Long Island, N.Y.

The history of this church of the SSPX.

The Reply

A poem by Sister Monica, an Ursuline nun of Brown County, Ohio.

Ask Me...

Miss Sunday Mass when there is no TLM available? What is servile work? Why light votive candles? What did Christ mean when he said "Whose sins you shall forgive..."? Father Carl answers.