February 1984 Print

Catholic Words with Uncatholic Meanings


How does a Modernist differ from you? New Jersey Catholic News has exposed Modernists and Modernism wherever they are found! The following article was issued by NJCN as a pamphlet. They say that it is by no means complete but demonstrates how the beliefs of the faithful, traditionalist Catholic collide head-on with those of the New Dictatorship, presided over by Liberals.

A sample copy of The New Jersey Catholics News will be sent upon request—write to: P. O. Box 461, Kearny, New Jersey  07032

The Modernist negates what God has revealed in three ways:

1) He openly rejects doctrine or morality, e.g., birth control is not intrinsically evil; Christ did not perform miracles; Purgatory is only fiction. The shrewd Modernist does not do this too often. He watches his P's and Q's, otherwise the collection plate will suffer.

2) He never mentions certain truths, as if they did not exist, e.g., Papal Infallibility; the existence of everlasting damnation (hell).

3) He imposes his own interpretation onto basic Catholic words.

This is especially damaging when carried over into religious text books. Pupils in Catholic schools and CCD classes are thus deliberately educated into error. As the student gets older, and farther away from parental control, his parents may one day find him a stranger in the home. He received a "Catholic education," yet he does not share the same Catholic Faith as his parents. The unsuspecting parent, who trusted the priests and nuns, realizes too late that his children were corrupted.

May we illustrate this method of substituting incorrect meanings into Catholic terminology.



Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. Angels are merely symbols. They possess no real existence of their own.

1. Angels are created beings with intellect and free will.

2. Thus Satan (a fallen angel) does not really exist. Nor do the temptations of the devil.

2. Good angels worship God and help souls on earth; bad angels (devils) curse God and tempt mankind.

3. Three angels are venerated as saints: Michael, Raphael and Gabriel.


Purpose of Life

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. "Becoming a Person" philosophy. Man must grow in an evolutionary spiral to attain freedom and perfection in this world.

1. "What is the greatest commandment? Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, whole soul, whole mind and with all thy strength."

2. We must help our fellow humans overcome secular difficulties, such as poverty, suffering, anxiety and political inequality. (This is preached over and over, yet most Modernists are very selfish and materialistic. They are extremely hypocritical.) Also, political equality often means espousing Marxist causes.

2. "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but suffer the loss of his soul" (Matt. 6).

3. Christ on earth did alleviate sickness and poverty but only to a small degree. He never preached political revolution. The message of Our Savior rings loud and clear: "Save your immortal soul."

4. Charity toward God should overflow into good works toward our neighbor.


The Mass

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. The Mass is primarily a meal, not a sacrifice.

1. It is defined doctrine that the Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of Calvary. It is Christ (God) offering infinite worship to the Father (God).

2. The Protestant Reformers insisted on this, and changed the altar prayers and the movement to reflect this theology. The Catholic Liberals go right along with this thinking. 2. While instituted at a meal (the Last Supper) the Mass is not primarily a meal but rather a solemn re-enactment of the death of Our Savior.

3. Not only is the Mass a meal, but a time and place to smile, talk, shake hands, hug and kiss.

4. The liturgy becomes more entertainment than worship. The congregation will frequently break into applause.

3. It deserves the greatest respect and piety. Our attitude at Mass should be the same as if we were at Calvary itself!


Fourth Commandment

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. Children need to practice patience with their parents, and learn to tolerate them. After all, parents are often wrong and make mistakes.

1. Children are bound in obedience to their parents in all that is not sin. Parents represent God's authority in the home.

2. Children have every bit as many rights as their parents have.

2. "Honor thy father and mother."

3. The best example for the child must always be the Child Jesus, Who went down to Nazareth with Joseph and Mary, and "was subject to them."



Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. The only wrongs recognized are social wrongs, i.e., when the community is offended. Usually verbalized as "failure to be sensitive to the needs of your neighbor."

1. "If you love Me, keep My Commandments."

2. Situation ethics (values clarification) takes the place of the Ten Commandments. In other words, an action that is morally wrong like abortion, adultery (you name it!) could sometimes be good, depending upon the situation.

3. As long as we "love" there is no reason for legalism (they say). We alone must judge what is right or wrong.

2. "Neither fornicators, adulterers, effeminate, drunkards ... shall enter into the kingdom of God."

3. To judge in our own minds what are the laws of moral conduct, results in serious denial of God's authority.

4. Pride goes before the fall. Like Satan, who fell like lightning, self-opinionated individuals fall from God's favor.


Ressurection of Christ

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. Raise questions such as: Can we absolutely prove that Jesus rose from the dead? Could it not be that the Apostles stole the Body and pretended that Jesus rose bodily from the dead?

1. "If Christ did not rise from the dead, our preaching is in vain" (St. Paul).

2. Surround the young student with so many objections and questions that he, with only a beginner's foundation in religion, will gradually lose his Faith.

2. "I believe in God the Father Almighty ... and in Jesus Christ ... on the third day He rose again from the dead ..."

3. The early Christian Church made Sunday (rather than Saturday) the day of worship because Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.


Holy Communion

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. If the Mass is primarily a meal, then why not invite everyone to sit down (or stand up) and eat? No matter if you have mortal sin on your soul; no matter if you are non-Catholic

1. Only baptized Catholics who are in the state of grace may worthily receive Holy Communion.

2. Communion to the Liberal means "union of man to man" rather than union of man to God. 2. "Whoever eats this Bread and drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord."

3. Communion is really a memorial of Christ, rather than Christ Himself.

4. If your faith makes Him present, then He is present (heresy of transignification). Christ is no more present, objectively, than He is in each one of us.

3. Standing for Holy Communion, reception in the hand, tabernacle off to the side, elimination of patens and hand purifications—these practices are all signs of the heretical Church. Note: While not all priests who do these things are heretical, they do contribute to the decline of Eucharistic doctrine and fervor.


Jesus Christ

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. Christ has the same inordinate human tendencies we have, and He allowed these tendencies and desires to express themselves fully.

1. Christ, Who possessed both human and divine natures, in one Divine Person. As a Divine Person, He is absolutely free from all inordinate desires.

2. Christ did not know who He was. He had to find Himself. 2. Christ possessed at all times the Beatific Vision, as well as full realization of his messianic mission.

3. The Divine Nature and Divine Person of Jesus Christ are not clearly asserted. In practice, the divinity of Our Lord is denied.

4. Personal pronouns referring to Christ are changed from "Thee" to "you," and "He" and "Him" are rendered in the lower case. After all, they say, Christ is our friend and equal.

3. Pope St. Pius X condemned the following error: Christ did not always posses the full consciousness of His dignity (Lamentabili, proposition 35).


Sixth Commandment

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. The words "purity" and "chastity" are replaced by the word "sexuality."

1. Jesus Christ teaches that sexual pleasure belongs only in the sacred confines of marriage. Otherwise, it is a mortal sin, a serious offense against the law of God.

2. Self-denial and abstinence are almost never mentioned. 2. Young people must remain pure and unsullied as they enter into matrimony.

3. Implicit permission is given to sexual gratification by slogans such as:

a) Sins of the flesh are not the worst sins.

b) Young people need to express their love by physical contact. We all have "skin hunger."

c) The traditional attitude of the Church is gradually changing.

3. Sex is a beautiful gift from God to be used according to His regulations. To abuse this sacred gift is to destroy grace in the soul.
4. Approval is given to fornication, adultery, birth control, homosexuality ... by not disapproving! 4. The Church provides many helps to purity, such as frequent Confession and devotion to the Virgin Mary.
5. Little mention is made of occasions of sin—bad movies and books— which arouse the passions and lead to sins of impurity. When is the last time your bishop issued a pastoral letter on pornography? or drugs? or birth control? 5. Occasions of sin must be prudently avoided. "He who loves the danger will perish in it." Classroom sex ed usually constitutes an occasion of sin for many students.



Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. The saints are good (they say) because they helped people.

1. Public veneration is only permitted (and encouraged) to those saints who are officially declared to be safely in heaven.

2. Little is said of their fidelity to the Catholic Church, their purity, humility, piety, and works of mortification. 2. True saints are always loyal children of the Roman Catholic Church.
3. To secularize the saints, liberals also add into the catalog of saints people like John Wesley, Mohammed Ali, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day and Robert Kennedy. 3. Miracles attributed to the saints are thought by the Church to be a sign of God's ratification.


The Church

Modernist Meaning

Catholic Teaching

1. Very vague on the institution or need of one, true Church.

1. Christ established one true Church. There is no salvation apart from Christ, the one Mediator and Savior. Since Christ and His Church are one, then it follows that there is no salvation apart from His Church.

2. Substitute the word "Christian" (instead of Roman Catholic) to play down the concept of one, true Church established by Christ, to which all men, in order to attain salvation, must belong. 2. This is a defined and constant teaching of the Magisterium.

3. Liberals define the Church as a "people guided by the Spirit." The Christian (they say) cannot hand over his life to any individual

—whether he be Pope, or bishop, or priest, or parent

—but must learn to make life's decisions on his own.

3. The essence of the Church—the divinely instituted monarcial/hierarchial society—rests in its Authority. The Authority is Christ, vested in the Pope, and the bishops currently in doctrinal union with him (and in obedience to him).
4. Church must always be democratic, that is, the people vote to make doctrine and laws. 4. "Upon this Rock (Peter) I will build My Church ... and I will give thee the keys (supreme authority) of the Kingdom of heaven (Church)" (Matt. 16).
5. In practice, it is not even democracy they preach but pure subjective anarchy. There is no law from above. Individuals are a law unto themselves. 5. "He who hears you, hears Me; and he who rejects you, rejects Me" (Luke 10).