March 1983 Print

Letter to the Apostolic Delegate


Case No. 7,

1 March 1983

Your Excellency:

We are writing this letter to beg you to use your influence to curtail the spread of the insidious RENEW program throughout America. We know that you are already aware of the existence of RENEW. Indeed, it came as a considerable shock to us to learn that you have actually commended the program, stating that it has "been very helpful and beneficial in calling people to a fuller participation in the Church according to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council." Your Excellency, if what you state is correct, and RENEW truly reflects the teaching of Vatican II, then you have made the most damning indictment of the Council that could possibly be imagined. As the documentation which will accompany this letter makes clear, the only possible effect of RENEW is the destruction of Catholicism wherever it is introduced. Does Your Excellency really wish us to believe that the object of Vatican II was the destruction of the Church?

The principal item of documentation which will accompany this letter is an assessment of the program from the Archdiocese of Newark (New Jersey), where it originated. The report on RENEW appeared in "The New Jersey Catholic News." Your Excellency might well point out that this is not an official diocesan newspaper, but you would not really need to make this point. Its unofficial nature is made clear by the fact that it is a profoundly Catholic journal, something one cannot say of the official diocesan papers in New Jersey! We know that the article was written by an erudite and totally orthodox diocesan priest in whose integrity we have every confidence. But, our case against RENEW is not confined to this article alone. Identical criticisms have been made independently in other dioceses where the program has been imposed upon the faithful.

Ample evidence of its pernicious nature can be obtained from the St. Thomas More Educational Foundation, P. O. Box 44, South Milwaukee, WI 53127. Here is a description of the manner in which RENEW was introduced into the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which was published in the June, 1981, Newsletter of the St. Thomas More Foundation:

Following an extensive bureaucratic preparation, the program emerges with the training of what is referred to as the Core Team. This is a team of four individuals from each parish, one of whom should be a priest assigned to the parish. The Core group, as its name implies, is the nucleus of the RENEW program. These individuals are subjected to intensive, direct brainwashing at the very outset of their training. This training begins with what is referred to as an overnight session with the request that the participants should remain on the premises during the entire program. This session lasts approximately a day and a half.

The Foundation newsletter then presents an indictment of the program as scathing as the one from "The New Jersey Catholic News," and it is based entirely on written and oral presentation made during one of these overnight sessions.

During the imposition of the program in the Diocese of Covington (Kentucky), the clergy of the diocese were ordered by their bishop to attend brainwashing sessions conducted by three full-time RENEW activists, two Jesuits and a woman. When one priest asked you if it was his duty to attend these sessions, you told him that it was. The female activist addressed priests by their Christian names, and during a concelebrated Mass at which the bishop was present she pushed her way up to the altar and served herself Holy Communion ahead of some of the concelebrants. Is this in conformity with the teaching of Vatican II? It is Your Excellency who tells us that it is!

In the same diocese, the manipulators charged with the task of brainwashing parishioners were warned not to use a certain film in the early states of the program as it could make some Catholics apprehensive. Here are the exact words of warning:

The film depicts some actual small group experiences during RENEW in Newark, New Jersey. Care should be taken to review the film before deciding to use it, especially at the early stage. The groups filmed had been meeting together for some time and had developed some deep, open relationships, which possibly could make people just beginning small group sharing apprehensive.

The reason the RENEW manipulators do not wish their victims to see this film at the outset of the program is obvious: it would warn them of the state they would be reduced to at the end of what the St. Thomas More Foundation correctly described as "sensitivity training," a degrading and dehumanizing process characteristic of Communist dictatorships, and totally repugnant to the entire Catholic ethos. The foundation comments:

The ultimate objective is to break down the individual's personal inhibitions, that is, destroy those values or traits which are held in a purely personal or individualistic sense. The ultimate purpose of such an objective is the destruction of the individuality, to melt all those concerned into one, common blob, or should we say, community. The ultimate reason for the objective and purpose is to use the blob, or community, to accomplish certain ends.

The RENEW program is, then, simple and terrifying. First, break down and destroy the personalities of selected individuals, then mold them into programmed puppets who can be used to destroy Catholicism in America. And this, Your Excellency assures us, is according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council!

We hope very much that you will take the time to make a thorough investigation of RENEW. We are sure that if you do so you will feel bound to withdraw the endorsement you have given to this evil program and take steps to demand that the bishops secure its total and immediate withdrawal. It is our prayer that this will be the case. If you have reason to believe that the account of RENEW which appears in the accompanying article from "The New Jersey Catholic News" is inaccurate in any way, we would certainly publish any evidence to the contrary which you are able to send to us. Our only wish is to serve truth and uphold the Catholic Faith.

We remain, Your Excellency, your obedient servants in Jesus Christ.

The Editors.

The Most Reverend Pio Laghi
The Apostolic Delegation
3339 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008



The New Jersey Catholic News
Dedicated to the principle of St. Gregory the Great, "It is better that scandal arise than that the Truth be silenced."
No. 11 P.O. Box 461 • Kearny, New Jersey 07032
Summer 1982

were crestfallen. Things were not going as well as they had hoped. Their poison was not filtering down to the man-in-the-pew quickly enough. So they invented RENEW.

In order to sell this latest channel of Modernism to the unsuspecting faithful, it must not, at first glance, appear to be heretical. So they mixed heresy and doctrine in equal parts. Quite naturally, heresy is expected to win out. When the proverbial farmer puts 50 healthy apples into a barrel along with 50 rotten apples ... well, you know the rest.

Intelligent Roman Catholics must realize that Modernists, con artists as they are, will frequently mix in the orthodox with the heretical. For example, a Modernist pastor may schedule Benediction and May Crowning, while in his heart affirm no belief in Papal Infallibility nor in the Resurrection of Christ.

In the Archdiocese of Newark, the think tank of Archbishop Peter Gerety drew up the idea of RENEW, modeled after a proven destructive national plan called "Corporate Parish Renewal" (with sinister connections to the infamous Detroit Conference). Briefly, its purpose is to first break down the parish into small cells, and then infect each cell. Most parishioners are innocent. They do not have theological training, nor the acumen, to discern subtle deviations from doctrine. Almost all the gimmicks released by the Chancery Office, while appearing on the surface to all Catholics to have greater piety, have a hidden agenda. The average Catholic cannot detect the hidden agenda. He simply looks up at the priest and assumes that he is relaying what the Vicar of Christ has ordered. Of course, the hidden agenda in RENEW lies in this: A determined effort to convert the parish from orthodoxy to heresy.

All parishes will not be won over; the Modernists will fail here and there. But this fact does not bother them. They will win over most of the parishes; the holdouts will eventually become so isolated as to become ineffectual.


Catholic Sensitivity Alerted

Nevertheless, when RENEW was introduced, with slick brochures, bulletin announcements, glowing expectations in the diocesan newspaper, and with special homilies and meetings, our fundamental Catholic instincts should have been ruffled. For two reasons:

1) The symbol—the artistic sign of RENEW is a "Tree"—not the Crucifix, not the Rosary, not one of the richly religious symbols of Catholic tradition ... just a scrawny, vague outline of a tree. Throughout Catholic history, authentic renewal has always been at Calvary, at the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Metaphorically speaking, just about any object from nature can be imaginatively stretched to symbolize something else. But, in this case, the symbol (Tree) has no clear connection with Christ, Divine Founder of the Church, nor any relationship with authentic Catholicism.

2) The title—The word "renew" can apply to any human aspiration, good or bad. Our self-indulgence can be renewed, our secular humanism can be renewed, or properly, faith in the Apostles Creed can be renewed.

For openers then, the symbol (Tree) and title (Renew) betray the aim of RENEW by the deliberate use of ambiguous symbols and terms. The tone is set for the rest of this destructive program. Undoubtedly the essense of RENEW is ambiguity, i.e., avoiding commitment to any revealed doctrine or morality. Everything is wide open. Objective truth becomes unimportant. In true existentialist relativism, RENEW makes no commitment to the Creed (beliefs), to the Code (moral law), or to Cult (divinely instituted Mass and Sacraments). RENEW permits you to go in any direction. If you believe that Christ is the Son of God, OK. If you do not believe, that's OK, too. Do you believe in Adam and Eve? Original sin? It does not matter if you do or do not. How about birth control? Is it a grave sin? Well, that's up to your own private conclusions. You may believe in whatever you wish to believe as long as it brings you psychological fulfillment. Psychological fulfillment is the end-all of this Modernist program. RENEW is completely self-serving, the candy-coated seeking of one's own self-interest. God, as Creator and Lawgiver, who must be worshipped and obeyed, is relegated to second place. Make no mistake about it, in RENEW, the ego comes before God's holy Will.


The Use of the Term "Spirit"

Whatever makes you happy, believe it, do it, and attribute your decision to the "Spirit." This is the type of rationalization common to RENEW and other questionable movements. Any devout Catholic should perk up ears of suspicion when the word "holy" is dropped from the phrase "Holy Spirit." It usually becomes a meaningless, ambiguous word.

In Europe, the 18th and 19th century atheists cultivated the term "spirit." All religions require a spirit. So, when they created a new religion, i.e., the worship of man, these non-believers invested the new religion with a "Spirit." Philosophers, like Feuerback, Neitzsche, Hegel in Germany, and Bergson in France, frequently wrote about the "Spirit." Read the early Modernists—Tyrrell, Loisey, Teilhard de Chardin, and the later ones, Rahner and Kung. You will readily see that they have borrowed, line by line, from these European skeptics.


Catholic Words with Uncatholic Meanings

The Modernists who are the architects of RENEW, are skillful in their use of Catholic terminology. One of the difficulties in combatting this heresy results from this use, or rather misuse, of words. When the Modernist says "Eucharist" or "Penance" or "sin" he is using Catholic words but not with Catholic meaning. When Pope St. Pius X condemned Modernism (1907), he declared that not only must Catholic doctrine be taught, but emphatically added that it must be taught "in eodem sensu and eadem sententia—in the same sense and meaning" as the Magisterium.


Bible vs. Church

To guarantee that participants in RENEW will be able to put whatever meaning they wish onto a Catholic framework, RENEW makes a point to:

1) Study the Bible rather than the defined doctrines of the Church. It is much easier to bend the Sacred Scriptures (as Protestants do) to fit subjective aspirations than to insist on Truth and morality.

2) Fail to distinguish between the ecclesia docens and the ecclesia discens (the teaching Church [i.e., Magisterium] and the learning Church). Everyone is lumped into one great entity, usually referred to as Community. You are the Church. Thus what you say must be true, at least for you. "We are experiencing a church in a period of transition. We must understand that the church is a body and we form it" (Archbishop Gerety on May 22, 1982, at the convention sponsored by the Office of Pastoral Renewal).


Parish Technique

Step 1: Ask for special volunteers Look for people who have some degree of leadership qualities. Let's say 20 potential leaders are recruited, who, with the priests or nuns in charge, make up the Core Group.

Step 2: The 20 leaders attend several workshops, run by professional Modernists. Unfortunately a sizeable number of orthodox priests attends these workshops, giving to the program an aura of respectability. The leaders are taught the dynamics of running a small discussion group, and, then stirred up with enthusiasm for a great parish happening.

Step 3: All adults in the parish are asked to sign up and attend a general meeting. With the usual socializing, warm handshaking, hugging, perhaps cocktails, certainly coffee and cake, glowing promises of parish rejuvenation are predicted.

The signees are formed into small cell groups, perhaps with 8 to 12 persons each.

Step 4: At weekly, or twice monthly meetings in the home, the Bible is discussed. Certain passages are recommended by the diocesan RENEW office. Group praying is also included. Good people are thus drawn into the program. It is awkward to offer objections to Bible reading and prayer.

Step 5: The critical step. No matter what belief is held by a member of a cell the leader (or facilitator) has been instructed never to correct or contradict. If a member says, "I do not think that abortion is a sin" or "I feel that Christ intended the Eucharist to be merely a symbol" no one is to override these erroneous beliefs. Each man or woman (according to RENEW) has a right to believe whatever "fulfills" him or her.


Options, Options, Options

If a parishioner wishes to hold to the traditional concept of the Church, i.e., a hierarchial/monarchial society founded by Christ, then he is allowed to do so. But, if one's fellow parishioner believes in the radical idea of the Church, namely a church run by parish facilitators, in which everyone is equally a teacher, where the goal of life is to discover self-fulfillment rather than the Holy Will of God, this radical concept should be given time and equal credence.

Pluralism! That's the idea! There is room in the Church (they say) for every opinion under the sun. Whether one believes in Transubstantiation makes no essential difference. Modernists claim that there is no such thing as definitive, finalized doctrine. With ecumenical smiles they caution, "We must not impose our set of dogmas on another." This applies to clearly revealed truth: Angels, Original Sin, Virgin Birth, the Real Resurrection of Christ, Validity of Holy Orders, Indissolubility of Marriage, Existence of Satan and Hell, etc.

Options, Pluralism! As Cole Porter said "Anything goes!" As long as we leave as friends, as long as we fall over each other with handshakes and good humor, all is right with the world.

On the surface, this pluralism has a ring of truth. It all sounds so wonderfully warm and democratic. But it is diabolical error.

A deceptive irreverence drugs the conscience of the faithful. With a veneer of love for all and a tolerance for the opinions of my neighbor, it is no respecter of truth and counter-productive toward Salvation.

Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, entrusted His teachings to His Church for promulgation. If His Way and Truth are optional, then Christ's Church loses its Divine mission. Christ is denied. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8,32).


Epistemological Error—Diabolism of RENEW

In RENEW, to leave as friends means: "He is every bit as right as I am." In other words, "If he is pro-abortion, but I am anti-abortion, we are both right." According to right reason, contradictories cannot both be true. Subjective culpability or merit may vary but Veritas remains rigorous and unchangeable. Truths, indeed religious truths, flow from the Divine Essence, which enjoys the perfection of Divine Immutability. RENEW implicitly distorts the nature of God, because it implies that Divinity suffers from the same imperfections as humanity.

The term "Pilgrim Church" is a favorite of the Modernists. While this term may be used legitimately by orthodox Catholics, the heretics take it to mean that the Church is still searching for truth. (Since, as all good Catholics know, the Church is Christ, obviously Christ Jesus is not still searching for truth!)

Most theological aberrations contain underlying philosophical errors. RENEW is no exception. It denies the ability of man to arrive at certitude. Furthermore, no distinction is made between right and wrong, truth and error. Logic is thrown out the window, and with it go the doctrines so precious to Roman Catholics.


In the Moral Order

RENEW dwells on the premises of that trendy philosophy called Values Clarification. "No one is right or wrong. Everyone is morally right, as long as each one is honest with his feelings." The Modernists presumptuously hold that man's instincts are right since man does not suffer from a fallen nature. This means no original sin, as well as no effects of original sin, i.e., no inclinations of sin. (The proof? In Modernist parishes, Baptism has ceased to be all that important.)


Sex and the Modernists

Modernists have redefined sexuality. They call it "creative growth through integration." The higher law, proceeding from a transcendent God, is ignored. If this or that actions makes you more self-realized, it is thereby good and moral. With this kind of teaching in our schools, it is no wonder our young people, generally, are corrupted. This brand of paganism/hedonism (fostered by the power structure of RENEW) dressed up in Christian clothes was formalized in a book called Human Sexuality by Rev. Ed Kosnick, et al. (Paulist Press). Condemned by the Vatican Congregation on the Doctrine of Faith, it is still on the shelves of most major seminaries in America (including Newark's Immaculate Conception Seminary). This book permits everything, we mean everything—including bestiality. Human Sexuality contradicts whatever is taught by Christ's Church.


Former Catholics

To the RENEW founders, these rebellious, suave, smiling Modernists ... no one has a right to tell them that they are wrong, not even Jesus Christ Himself. Let's not kid ourselves. These Modernists are not Catholic. We should refer to them by their correct title: former Catholics, or ex-Catholics. Pope Pius X stated that any priest or bishop who promotes Modernism is ipso facto excommunicated.

Once a parish accepts the RENEW program, mark it as the beginning of the end of Catholicism in that parish. The parish may seem to be thriving, because it has a large congregation to start with and because there are visible structures of brick and mortar ... but the flames of heresy are eating away at the foundations. Little by little, faith and devotion will burn out, Mass attendance will diminish, and the love of the Roman Catholic religion will be replaced by spiritual indifference and the pursuit of pleasure.


ALMIGHTY AND EVERLASTING GOD, whose will it is that all men should be saved and that none should perish, look upon the souls that are deceived by the guile of Satan, in order that the hearts of them that have gone astray may put aside all the perverseness of heresy, and being truly repentent, may return to the unity of Thy truth. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The Roman Missal
An indulgence of 3 years.