August 1990 Print

The Superior General's Chronicle of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X

February–June, 1990
Extracts from Cor Unum

I. In General

By the grace of God we have been able to see, during these four months, a relatively calm and harmonious development: slow strengthening and consolidation are becoming visible everywhere. But crosses are not lacking either: we are always searching for a definitive solution for the generalate house and the foundation of a priory in Singapore has been refused without explanation by the government there.

Otherwise, the East is opening itself to our apostolate: on March 16th, the Don Bosco School made a pilgrimage in East Germany; on May 23rd, I was able, for the first time, to preach in the Hungarian capital to two hundred faithful. It would be necessary to send missionaries for a whole year into these countries in order to put the faithful on guard (since they are completely ignorant) against the seductions of Western Liberalism, and to prepare the re-evangelization of Europe asked for by the Pope.


On Sitientes Saturday, Bishop Fellay ordained eleven subdeacons of the Society and two from outside, among them the first Redemptorist from the monastery of Father Sim, in England.

By an act of heroic virtue, the seminary this year relinquished the Mass of the Chrism in favor of Flavigny. For the first time the beauty of this ceremony was revealed to the seminarians of Flavigny before their transition to Ecône.

On the Vigil of Pentecost, Bishop Fellay ordained eleven deacons, ten of them for the Society.



Bishop Tissier de Mallerais conferred the two first minor orders on Laetare Sunday and celebrated the Mass of the Chrism on Holy Thursday.

Restoration of the house is being pursued; all temporary installations have been done away with.



Bishop Tissier de Mallerais ordained three subdeacons on Sitientes Saturday and raised them to the diaconate on the Vigil of Pentecost. Bishop Fellay consecrated the holy oils on Holy Thursday.

In the autumn two Redemptorists from England will come to study at the seminary.



The subdiaconate was conferred on the Vigil of Pentecost by Bishop Williamson; Bishop Fellay conferred the diaconate and the priesthood on June 23rd.


La Reja

The entry of Father Lagneau in the function of Director brings new life; the formation is more consistent with what it should be, thanks to an energetic application of the regulation of the seminaries.

At the beginning of March, eight new seminarians and two brother-postulants entered.



We can count here four new entries, among them the first seminarian from Papua, New Guinea. Bishop de Galarreta conferred the minor orders and tonsure on May 9th in the course of his trip to Australia.

Photo of the Generalate House of the Society of St. Pius X

The Society's Generalate House, at Rickenbach, Switzerland


III. Districts


The celebration at Friedrichshafen, of the first twenty years of the Society, was a true feast of the Faith: from eight to ten thousand Catholics took part with Archbishop Lefebvre, the four bishops, and the seminarians from Ecône, Zaitzkofen and Flavigny.

The most pressing needs of the the District are now the school for girls, the novitiate for our Sisters and the retreat house.


South America

Bishop de Galarreta has set himself up in the new seat of his District and rejoices over the constant growth, which helps him envisage an enlarging of the chapels in Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Bogota.


Australia– New Zealand

At Wanganui, New Zealand, we have been able to buy a large Catholic church, complete with rectory. It will be ours on June 30th. Thus Father Wingerden will be able to celebrate his first Mass in the beginning of July at this shrine where he was baptized!



What a proof of the grace of the Good Lord: official permission has been received for the opening of the school at Lauzon!


United States

Father Laisney, after six years of painful and unending work, is going to leave the direction of the District in the hands of Father Peter Scott, whose departure from Winona, where he was a professor, is much regretted. May the new District Superior continue the excellent work of his predecessor.



The work has grown so much that the nomination of a District Secretary is a necessity. The foundation of the priory at Grenoble has had to be once more pushed back, but the priory at Caen will open its doors with the school of the Dominican Sisters.

The Catholic Renaissance Pilgrimage from Chartres to Paris at Pentecost, with the final declaration at Montmartre, makes again resplendent the image of the fighting and missionary Church, of Christianity in pilgrimage across the centuries.


Great Britain

In the course of my visit at the beginning of May, I was able to see the new house at Norwich, a priory founded in 1105 and dedicated to St. Faith. It is, moreover, the very house where Saint Robert Southwell was born, a Martyr Priest during the Protestant "reform" and the place where, during the time of the persecution, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated in secret. What a grace for us to have been able to acquire this house!

We hope that the foundation of a Carmel in this country is soon going to come about.



More groups are found disseminated throughout this large country; they are looking for someone to take charge as pastor. The new District bulletin can give valuable services here.



Father Faure, tested in his health, will soon leave his duties as District Superior to Father Iscara. Who could ever thank the Good Lord enough for having been able to be His instrument in the reconstruction of what the crisis in the Church has ruined in these latter years of the apostolate?



The new church at Delemont is almost finished. Its consecration is set for September. We regret, in this District, the illness of several colleagues, but these sufferings are an integral part of the treasure of graces in the Church.


IV. Autonomous Houses

South Africa

All the plans for the purchase of a new priory have gone awry. Apparently Divine Providence is steering us towards reconstruction and enlargement of our own property.



After years of work full of construction, Father Georg Pfluger is coming to Zaitzkofen as a professor. We wish to his successor, Father Stefan Maessen, the greatest divine blessings on the work of development of the foundations already solidly placed. Moreover, the house of formation at Jaidhof is counted among the most beautiful properties of the Society. Brother Anton has brought about here a masterpiece.



One of the last bastions of the resistance to abortion has fallen: the King of the Belgians has made us think more of Pontius Pilate than Our Lord Jesus Christ Who allowed Himself to be crucified for the Truth.



We are waiting from one day to the next for the building permit for a chapel to be installed in the building that we have just acquired in Madrid.

The Sisters of the Oasis of Jesus Christ Sovereign and Eternal, whose convent is located very close to Barcelona, are not only a blessing for Spain but also, by their prayers for the sanctification of priests, a source of graces for all the Society.



The enlarged chapel was available to the faithful for Lent; it now holds 650 seats. Eight hundred and fifty Catholics there took part at the Midnight Mass and, on Easter Sunday, 1300 faithful attended Mass. Archbishop Lefebvre paid them a visit in June.



Father Matheus left India in mid-March because of continual difficulties with his visa. Father Lemieux is replacing him. The new priory at Thailapuram is set up. Aside from taking charge of four chapels, our apostolate there is characterized by an active contact with fifteen priests of the diocesan clergy.



Father Couture is eagerly awaiting his new assistant! Not only will this be advantageous for community life but also with the apostolate with the purchase of the new church at Cork.



A first vocation is announced for the fall opening at the seminary!



We have been installed in the new priory at Lisbon since February; this is only a rental. Thus we are searching for a more definitive solution. On the other hand, we will soon be in possession of our own house at Fatima!