January 1979 Print

Angel Talk

A Column Dedicated to the Angels for Children

The Seven Sacraments

I. Name the 3 things necessary for a sacrament.

1. __________________________________________________________________.

2. __________________________________________________________________.

3. __________________________________________________________________.


II. Name the 3 types of Baptism and explain each.

1. __________________________________________________________________.

2. __________________________________________________________________.

3. __________________________________________________________________.


III. Unscramble and put in order:




IV. Match the columns.

1. The most necessary sacrament. a. Matrimony
2. The sacrament that removes actual sin. b. Confirmation
3. The sacrament that gives health and strength to the soul. c. Penance
4. The sacrament that makes us soldiers of Jesus Christ. d. Baptism
5. The sacrament that unites a Christian man and woman in lawful marriage. e. Extreme Unction
6. The sacrament that contains the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. f. Holy Orders
7. The sacrament that imprints the priestly character on the soul. g. Holy Eucharist
8. The sacrament that can be given by lay people under certain conditions.  
9. The sacrament that only a Bishop can confer.  


V. Fill in the blanks.

The Sacraments that we cannot receive more than once are ___________________ and ___________________ because they imprint a ___________________ in the soul. This character is a ___________________ mark which remains ___________________ even after___________________ : for the honor and glory of those who are ___________________ ; for the shame and punishment of those who are  ___________________ ___________________ distinguishes us as Children of God; ___________________ as soldiers of Christ and ___________________ as priests of God.



VI. Match the columns.

__ 1. Baptism was instituted by Christ. a. "Unless man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Jn. 3:5).
__ 2. In the early days those who prepared for the reception of Baptism were called
b. unless it is dying or its Catholic education is promised.
__ 3. Baptism removes
c. instruct the child if the parents neglect to do so or die.
__ 4. Baptism is necessary for all d. when he was baptized in the River Jordan.
__ 5. The Godparents are obliged to e. against the will of an adult.
__ 6. Baptism of desire f. Catechumens.
__ 7. Parents cannot g. must be followed by Baptism of water if possible.
__ 8. Baptism cannot be given h. original sin and in adults all other sins and punishments.
__ 9. A non-Catholic child cannot be i. be sponsors for their children or husband and wife for each other.


VII. Name the 5 conditions necessary for a good Confession.

1. __________________________________________________________________.

2. __________________________________________________________________.

3. __________________________________________________________________.
4. __________________________________________________________________.
5. __________________________________________________________________.


VIII. Which Sacrament ...

1. starts the supernatural life of the soul?

2. strengthens the supernatural life of the soul?

3. nourishes the supernatural life of the soul?
4. restores the supernatural life of the soul?
5. protects the supernatural life up to the end?
6. provides ministers for the sacraments?
7. sanctifies married life?



IV. List the correct definition for the following phrases.

a ... perfect contrition
d ... power to forgive

g ...penance

b ... reserved sins
e ... power to retain
h ... firm resolution
c ... seal of confession
f ... absolution
i ... examination of conscience
1. The priest has the power to forgive all sins.
2. The strict obligation of the priest to observe secrecy.
3. The sacrament in which the sins committed after Baptism are forgiven.

4. The outward sign of the Sacrament of Penance.

5. Sins that for weighty reasons are kept for the Pope or Bishop to absolve.
6. Earnest resolve to recall all sins committed since our last confession.
7. A fixed resolve to avoid all sin, especially mortal sin, and also its near occasions.
8. That by which we hate sin because it offends God.
9. If the penitent is not worthy of absolution, the priest is bound in justice to refuse absolution.



I. NECESSARY—1-outward sign; 2-grace; 3-instituted by Christ.

II. TYPES OF BAPTISM—Water: pouring water on head of person to be baptized and saying proper words. Blood: shedding of one's blood for the Faith of Christ. Desire: ardent wish to receive Baptism and to do all that Gad has ordained.

III. UNSCRAMBLE IN ORDER—3-Baptism, 1-Confirmation, 5-Holy Eucharist, 7-Penance, 6-Extreme Unction, 2-Holy Orders, 4-Matrimony.

IV. MATCH—1-d, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b, 5-a, 6-g, 7-f, 8-d, 9-f.

V. FILL IN BLANKS—Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, character, spiritual, forever, death, saved, lost, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders.

VI. MATCH—1-d, 2-f, 3-h, 4-a, 5-c, 6-g, 7-i, 8-e, 9-b.

VII. 5 CONDITIONS—1-examine our conscience, 2-be sorry for our sins, 3-make firm resolution never more to offend God. 4-confess our sins to priest, 5-accept penance which priest. gives us.

VIII. WHICH SACRAMENT— Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Matrimony.

IX. CORRECT DEFINITIONS—a-8, b-5, c-2, d-1, e-9, f-4, g-3, h-7, i-6.