June 1986 Print

The Social Consequences Resulting from the Abandonment of the Spirit of Sacrifice

by P. Juan Carlos Ceriani

"There was a time when the philosophy of the Gospel governed the nations. During that era the exclusive efficacy of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue had penetrated every human law, the establishment and people's morals, reaching every social class and relationship in society."

Pope Leo XIII 
Immortale Dei

"In the past, there have always been timely signs of oncoming catastrophes that man has suffered—forewarnings of such disasters as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. For those people whose status is threatened, these forewarnings make them uncomfortable and even fearful. However, it is seldom enough to urge them to change their course."1

It would be naive to deny the presence of the signals of a great historical change we are certain to undergo soon. And it would be cowardice or pusillanimity not to do everything possible, by God's grace, to divert its course, or at least its consequences, and at the same time try to save whatever could be useful in rebuilding that which is destroyed.

This article has a twofold purpose: first, to illustrate for those who have not yet envisioned it, the path of treason that humanity is following, and, second, to encourage and help the fearful and weak.

I Christian Civilization—The Fruit of the Influence of the Christian Spirit Over Society

Man's life, whether on the social or individual level, domestic or political, must be governed by the Christian doctrine, "Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of God and His Justice, and all these things shall be added unto you."2

By practicing this rule, man becomes a craftsman in the City of God and in a society which is the Christian Civilization.

The Catholic City assumes the influence of the Christian spirit over society's temporal good such that it acts in accordance with the public norms to the service of Christ, including family life, work, culture, politics and economics to the service of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

There was a time when the philosophy of the Gospel governed the nations. During that era the exclusive efficacy of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue had penetrated every human law, the establishment and the people's morals, reaching every social class and relationship in the society. The religion founded by Jesus Christ was firmly established and highly ranked with honors, as it ought to be, spreading everywhere because of the benevolent acceptance by the governments and the legal protection afforded by the courts. Religious and secular authority lived united in harmony."3

That was the social realization of "seek ye therefore the Kingdom of God, and His Justice": a society living dependent upon God. The Catholic civilization existed because there were men, families and societies, that acknowledged their dependence on God and lived in accordance with it….theology, philosophy, the arts, law, politics, and economics were dependent on God and served God.

II The Christian Spirit is the Spirit of Sacrifice

The virtue of religion incites men to render God due homage, because God is the beginning of all things.4

Given that the true church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Catholic Apostolic and Roman Church, it is through Her exclusively that the true religion is practiced. Therefore, due worship to God is rendered only in this institution. Additionally, because the most important of all the external acts of worship is the sacrifice, it follows that the sacrifice offered in and by the Catholic Church is the only one that renders to God this due worship and is pleasing to Him. It is, therefore, not surprising that we affirm that the Christian spirit is the spirit of sacrifice. To further this point, sacrifice is the principal act of external and public worship, consisting in the external oblation of a tangible thing where the real change (or destruction) is carried out by the priest. The purpose of sacrifice is to honor God, and to serve as a testimony of His supreme dominion and our subjection to Him.

Even before sin, man offered sacrifice to God to adore Him, to give Him thanks and to beseech favors. After the original sin, expiation and reparation, commonly known as propitiation, were additional incentives for the sacrifice. In this way, the sacrifice showed man's dependence on God. Christianity is animated by the submission to and dependence on God, and its spirit is, therefore, the spirit of sacrifice.

III Christian Civilization Was Built on the Basis of Sacrifice

If Christian civilization is the fruit of the Christian spirit, and this is the spirit of sacrifice, we must conclude that Christian civilization is animated by the spirit of sacrifice. It is on this foundation that the Catholic Church was built, consolidated and preserved. The whole idea of Christianity is summarized by the words pronounced at the consecration during Mass.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the renovation of the sacrifice of redemption, brilliantly sums up the notion of the social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It has the same goals and produces the same effects as the sacrifice of the cross, which rendered to God the adoration absolutely deserving to Him, infinite reparation, and thanksgiving necessary to overcome our debt to Him. For these reasons, the Holy Mass is the center of Christian life, the fountain of all spirituality, and the shining sun about which all activities, public and private, take place. It was around the Holy Mass that the society was built in which God occupied the place He deserved, and man was happy rendering Him homage and being submissive to Him. The extended sacrifice, the spirit of sacrifice, the attitude of dependence and submission to God were the things that enlivened and built that society which we call Christian Civilization.

IV Against Christian Civilization, an Anti-Christian Civilization Arises

Even to the most inattentive observers, a whole series of actions have taken place giving evidence to a great change in society, forewarning a catastrophe…what is happening?

The answer is as simple as it is profound and terrifying. Against the social realization of the Christian spirit, against Christian civilization, against the historic and social triumph of the Kingship of Our Lord, the devil has set up what we have come to know as the anti-christian revolution. This anti-christian revolutionary process works in an absolutely different fashion from the Christian spirit. The Christian spirit works on the interior of man, renewing the soul and giving all his works the mark of a Christian…so that theology, philosophy, the arts, law, politics, etc. are signified by Catholic character. The devil, on the contrary, works on the exterior of man and through external changes transforms the soul so it is condemned. Therefore, just as the Christian spirit of dependence and sacrifice builds the Christian civilization, the suppression of the spirit of sacrifice leads to independence from God and society becomes worldly; all this builds the City of Man where the devil easily lures souls to perdition. That is why we can affirm that everything that attacks the spirit of sacrifice favors the revolution, making society worldly, and conducing souls to their damnation.

Let us now discuss how the spirit of sacrifice has been attacked and the results. This way we will know what the solution must be, and as difficult as it may seem, we will encourage ourselves to start the defense and the work of reconstructing.

V The Social Consequences

The revolutionary spirit, regardless of its appearance, pulls the heart away from celestial things and ties it down to earthly things. Using the expression from St. Paul, "…giving honor and adoration to the creature instead of the Creator." 5

Whoever denies the honor and adoration due the Creator directly works against religion, cooperating with the revolutionary process, repeating that statement of the first revolutionary: "I shall not serve Thee!"

The Christian spirit detaches the soul from earthly goods which are temporary and insignificant in order to elevate them and unite them to heavenly and eternal goods. In addition, this spirit honors and adores the Creator using all the creatures to better serve and inclining the soul to the perfect practice of the religious virtue. That is why the medieval society was essentially God-centered, sacred and priest-oriented. All its temporal affairs developed within the public Christian norms to the service of Christ. It was a society that lived through the spirit of sacrifice under the dependence of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and under His continuation in time and space, His mystical body, the Holy Catholic Church.

In that society, the following characteristics dominated its life: religion rendered God the worship that is due to Him; theology was such that God was truly divine (God was divinized). Arts looked to God for God's sake. Divine law was given priority in the ruling of the society, and natural law was "supernaturalized." The political notions were such that the kings served their society conscious that they were administrators of Almighty God. The economy served the general well being of society. In that society, man was truly religious, with his models and leaders being the saints, and his dwelling places being the church and his home.

The gradual abandonment of the spirit of sacrifice by society destroyed its past, and took us up to the present state of things—just a warning or prelude of a great catastrophe to fall upon humanity as punishment from God for having become independent of Him. Let us look at the steps taken by society to abandon the spirit of sacrifice and the fruits they bore:

The environment to destroy the established order, which was founded in the unity of faith and divine dependence, was set up in the academies, libraries and halls of Humanism and the Renaissance, in the middle of luxurious clothing, jewels, and pontifical and royal ostentatious displays, leading to loss of Christian charity. It is the Renaissance's lukewarmness that makes possible and encourages the Protestant revolution with its rebellion of the natural against the supernatural, setting up an aristocratic and political rebellion against the theological and priestly order. This causes society to shift from a sacred and fervent society to an indifferent and politically oriented one, stepping down from the supernatural to the natural.

In this new society, God has become humanized, both in religion and in theology. The arts look at God for man's sake. Divine law is humanized and natural law is naturalized. In politics, sovereignty is no longer God's, but resides in the king who now commands instead of serving. Absolutism becomes the divine right of human kings. Economy is such that well being is measured by the accumulation of money, giving rise to mercantilism and bourgeoisie. Man becomes the measure of all things, and the hero arises as the leader and model. His dwelling places are the academies, libraries and halls.

That lukewarm and apostate society that had abandoned the Church would not take long to abandon Our Lord Jesus Christ and, in turn, become a lay society. This lay society is the fruit of the Masonic Lodge's work instituted by the French Revolution of 1789.. In this new society, the animal rebels against the natural order, the bourgeois against the aristocrats and the economy against politics, giving rise to a middle class and economical society.

VI Society's New Religion

This society's new religion supports the individual worship to the Great Architect and the theology proclaims a divinized man. Arts look at man as a function of man, where law makes natural law divine, giving rise to the social contract. Politics claim ownership of divine rights for human leaders, as better symbolized by Napoleon crowning himself after pulling away the crown from the Pope. The new economy raises a new slavery system, well-being found only by money with its new system, capitalism. Man in this society is "economical"; his models and leaders are the rich, and his dwelling places are the Masonic Lodges.

Thus we arrive at the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, a logical consequence of the Revolution of 1789. The renegade society that abandoned Our Lord Jesus Christ, giving rise to a lay society, is conducted by the logic of history and the strength of ideas, to atheism and to a complete abandonment of God. Then society falls into absolute materialism, where the "thing" raises in rebellion against the animal, and the lower classes against the bourgeoisie, giving rise to a proletariat, materialistic society. In it, man is without God and for this reason, society's religion is a human religion, created only to worship man in the universal Masonic religion of the United Nations.

This society's theology is atheism, or the theology of the "death of God" and amoralism or the "morals as dictated by the circumstances." While art looks at man as a function of matter, literature deals with a man devoid of God, driven to anguish, nausea and suicide. Its music is sensual and it completely ignores everything of spiritual value. Rock and roll, its main expression, drives to diabolical ecstasy and to the loss of common sense. Paintings lack delineation, conducting to cubism and the negation of color, to the "death of the light." Sculpture deals with disfigured humans, tending to diabolical human figures.

This society's law is denaturalized natural law and as a consequence, rules against nature are enforced, as in the case with abortion laws, divorce laws, and laws dealing with euthanasia. Its politics deal with a human leader without God or law. . . democracy, totalitarianism, communism…all conducive to anarchy and the suicide of society. It is this society where money reigns that will take us to the government of Satan, where "he who does not have the mark of the beast (666) can neither buy nor sell."6

The proletariat is that model of society where man is just another number in the system. This modern man dwells in the banks and financial places.

The fruits of the future are already in sight: the model man will be the "hippie" and the "punk", living in terrorist cells and taking everyone to a big dump. In a few words, it is the future society of the public worship of Satan.

These are then, briefly, the consequences and fruits of the abandonment of the spirit of sacrifice, of the rupture with God, of man's independence from his Creator, of the anti-Christian Satanic revolution. Because man tried to build a society without God, man succeeded in creating the city of the Devil.

Let this clear explanation be a warning of the danger to come. These forewarnings might make people uncomfortable and even fearful….We hope they actually do, and scare them enough so as to start soon, by the help of God, with the necessary action to avoid total catastrophe, and rebuild Christian civilization.


1. Belloc: La Crisis de la Civilization III

2. St. Matthew, 6:33

3. Leo XIII,  Immortali Dei

4. St. Thomas, Summa Theologica II II Q. 81 a 3

5. Romans 1:25

6. Rev. 8:18