Undelivered Letter of Archbishop Dwyer


In his article "The Liturgical Revolution " (January, 1983), Michael Davies referred to Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer's undelivered letter to Pope Paul VI. Catholics who complain at what is taking place in the Church in America are frequently written off as ill-informed, uneducated or unintelligent-probably all three! Archbishop Dwyer was certainly the most erudite bishop in the United States until his recent death. There can have been no more devastating critique of the schismatic American Church written than the one which follows. We publish it with acknowledgement to the January, 1977 issue of "Orthodoxy of Catholic Doctrine." We are sure our readers will agree that it is a document of the highest historical importance.


His Holiness
Pope Paul VI
Vatican City State

Your Holiness:

This is a report to Your Holiness on the critical areas of concern in the Church in the United States today.



There is a discernible note of disobedience in the Church today, which first publicly surfaced with the publication of Humanae Vitae. Leaders of this public movement were members of the theological faculties of the Catholic University of America. The attitude that the Holy See, and the Vicar of Christ, may and even should be ignored is widespread and open.

There is general lack of unanimity in support of the Teaching Magisterium. As you recall, Your Holiness, the original onslaught arose at the time of Humanae Vitae and has grown. The "Dutch Catechism" has had a seriously undermining effect.

Legalism has entered and the strife it has engendered over "infallible" has led to the spurious idea that if what the Holy Father has pronounced is not solemnly defined infallible, it is thereby fallible, or worse, fallacious.

For example, in what has come to be known as the Windsor Statement drawn up on the Eucharist by the Anglican/Roman Commission, doubt is cast on the Papal authority of Pope Leo XIII's proclamation that the Holy Orders of the Anglican Church are not valid. Anglicans and even some Catholics (particularly members of the said Commission) have taken the position that they are valid.

Such legalism is strong in the Church in America. Workshops have been held which describe the Pope as being at the base of the triangle—"a servant of the people"—always stressing "horizontal" authority. The Vicar of Christ is not set at the apex of the triangle where Jesus put him. These workshops are sponsored primarily by diocesan education departments and the Division of Education for the United States Catholic Conference.

Also, children in many of our elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and particularly in seminaries, are not taught that the Teaching Magisterium of the Church is the final authority. The modernists and idealists have reduced the Holy Father to a presiding officer of a "chairman of the board."

The sacred and divine appointment of Peter is ignored, as well as the supernatural character of the office of Pope. Not on the part of all, thank God, but on the part of too many who are grasping for leadership roles.

There is also an indirect attack on the Holy Father through a persistent and pernicious attack on the Curia.

Simply by ignoring the directives of the Teaching Magisterium, by temporizing and compromising, a general lack of obedience among those who would divest the Church of her Mystical and Supernatural character, exists and is growing.

There is a resurgence of Modernism and secular humanism, all vigorously opposed to obedience to Authority, aided and abetted at all times by the scandal of "theologians" writing and speaking contrary to dogma and morals, with such men as Father Charles Curran, Father Gregory Baum, Father Eugene Kennedy, and Brother Gabriel Moran, and others being constantly quoted in both the Catholic and secular press. Many errors are propagated through columnists.

The loyal laity is becoming more and more discouraged and confused because these men are neither reprimanded nor censured.

Father Raymond Brown, who discusses the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection in such terms that cause the secular press to say he believes "these should be re-studied" and, of course, jump to the conclusion he casts "doubt" on them, has even been invited to Rome to lecture to bishops. This, Your Holiness, is a scandal to many.

What are even the bishops to think when this man who questions the Virgin Birth (in a cleverly guarded manner) and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ, is instructing bishops? Such is the state of the Church in America, that those who have propagated ideas of Modernism are promoted to a position where they influence bishops. It is discouraging to say the least to those who love Holy Mother the Church, and desire to follow her traditional teaching.

Father Raymond Brown was sent to Rome by the United States Conference of Bishops. This speaks volumes for the condition of the Church in the United States, Your Holiness. His theology is shot through with Modernism. His authority is awarded and applauded by some, even those in authority.

Only few Catholic newspapers carry the instructions you give the faithful at your General Audiences, many do not. Unless diocesan newspapers do carry your teaching, Holy Father, how will the laity be instructed on the mind of the Magisterium? Could not something be done about this through a directive from you?



At this critical time in the life of the Holy Catholic Church, when the ONE and HOLY needs to be emphasized and strengthened, and bishops need to feel the life blood of Jesus Christ flowing directly from the heart, the Chair of Peter, the United States Catholic Conference and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops have become a sort of superhierarchy, separating the bishops from their Head.

These two bodies, operated by self-perpetuating bureaucrats, are assuming an ever increasing and dominant role in the Church in America. It does not seem that these organizations, formed with such promise and optimism, have served as was thought in the original proposal. Rather than facilitating and tightening the ties between bishops and Rome whom they are serving, it would seem to loosen them.

The problem, however, that has arisen is that the members of the joint staffs have assumed the position of spokesmen for bishops in America. Frequently the Secretary General of USCC/NCCB for example, Bishop James S. Rausch, may express his personal opinion on a matter, but these are reported by the staff in the form of news releases to the mass media. The newspapers and television stations then interpret Bishop Rausch's remarks in a manner that makes them appear as the official stand of the bishops of the Church.

Various Commissions' members, too, make statements giving the impression that they represent the Church in such a manner. The Reverend Patrick Sullivan, Commission for Communications, said on a television hookup early this year, "There is a growing theological opinion that there is no personal Devil." Father Sullivan did not qualify the statement and since the panel discussion on which he appeared concerned the film The Exorcist, listeners were left with the impression that this "growing theological opinion" is official. When men like this, representing the National Office, speak publicly in such a manner, they are doing serious harm and confusing the faithful.

Considering that Father Sullivan's remarks were made shortly after you, Your Holiness, has reasserted the Church's teaching on Satan and the Power of Evil, you can understand the impression and the actual situation that exists. The Vicar of Christ's opinions do not count for much.

USCC/NCCB Staff Members Work in an Autocratic Manner

The staff members are hired or appointed by the USCC/NCCB, not voted into office by the body of bishops, and they become autonomous policy makers and Church spokesmen. The office of the bishop (both individually and collectively) is thereby diminished and his teaching authority nullified. The bishops are superceded by priests who are only too eager to direct the course of national policy, advertently or inadvertently, for the entire Church in the United States.

In a country as vast as the United States, cluttered and fractured by such a diversity of opinions, it becomes very easy for the Modernists to take over.

The liberal Catholic press reports that in the last year the shift of power by the appointments of ten new liberal bishops, plus the promotion of seven liberal bishops to higher office, is shifting much in the direction toward the liberals, under the pretext that the Holy See has in mind the pastoral approach. This certainly gives the impression that only the liberals have the pastoral approach, and not those faithful bishops who are following the teachings of the Holy Father and the Magisterium.

The staff of the National Office has much power to promote nominees of their mind and thinking for appointments as bishops, and also to make promotions to higher offices.

Holy Father's Orders Ignored

The rite of baptism, which you, Your Holiness, personally corrected in 1973 and ordered to be reprinted with your corrections, has been completely ignored by the National Office. The previous non-corrected rite continues to be put forth, with all of its errors, as the official approved rite. This is deliberate evasion of your orders. It is not due to lack of time. Members of the Office continue to print other material filled with very dangerous doctrines of Modernism.

Many teach that Baptism is no more than an induction into the Christian Community, solely. The purpose of the Sacrament, to cleanse from Original Sin, is not taught in many, many places—including seminaries.

The spirit of obedience is lacking and new releases concerning such matters as Confession recently released by the Holy See, are distorted even in diocesan newspapers.

When the directive on Confession was released, the media devoted long paragraphs to the discussion of General Confession.

In fact, General Confession, in spite of your restrictions, was discussed in such terms as to give the impression that it was acceptable. Only a well informed and critical reader would have understood that General Confession was reserved for extraordinary circumstances.

In fact, some priests, ignoring their Ordinaries, continue to insist on using General Confession. The laity remains in a state of confusion.

Students are told that Confession is not necessary, just as they are told Mass attendance is no longer obligatory. Over and over again, one hears of priests and religious instructing students that there is no necessity of attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Since pre-marital sex relations, homosexuality and missing Mass are no longer considered sins, it would leave little to confess on the basis of standards established by a great many clerics and sisters.

Some bishops in the United States have compromised on your directive, Your Holiness, which insists on Confession before First Communion. Bishops frequently bend to the pressures of their Diocesan Education Directors and staff, who advocate the idea of discontinuing Confession before First Communion.

The National Office of the USCC/NCCB has not aided in clarifying the matter, but it would seem almost deliberately slants material to suit its interpretation of belief.

Communications from the Holy See

Communications from you, Holy Father, are published in a distorted form, long before the bishops receive a copy.

On many critical matters concerning the Sacraments, Faith and Morals, I have had telephone calls from someone asking me, "Can this be true?" I am forced to answer, "I do not know. I have not seen the original material."

Not infrequently, these matters have come from some anonymous source in the media.

Your Holiness, would it not be possible that the individual bishops should see the material dealing with vital issues of Faith and Morals before it is released to the press and all other media?

As it is, the faithful are being misled, and are being disturbed by many contradictory teachings and reports.

"Signs of Hopefulness"

In a recent interview, Archbishop Jean Jadot chided those who do not see "hopefulness" for the Church in the United States and he said they are "pessimists."

I have searched long and earnestly, Holy Father, together with many who love Holy Mother the Church as the Body of Christ. Neither I nor they can see the situation from such a hopeful standpoint.

In a recent news release the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Jean Jadot, was quoted as saying he sees "hopefulness" for the Church in the United States. I do not know from whom the Delegate is getting his information, but its accuracy may be seriously questioned. This the laity would be the first to tell you—the loyal laity who are still anxious to be faithful to the Teaching Magisterium of the Church.



There is a constant effort on the part of members of the Education Commission of the United States Catholic Conference to dilute Catholic teaching through introduction of reading material and suggestions, which are at variance with the teachings of the Magisterium.

Only by the diligence of individual priests and bishops, was the National Catechetical Directory saved for the Church in America.

Auxiliary Bishop William McManus of Chicago, chairman of the NCCB Commission on Religious Education, and Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Lucker of the St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese, tried to suppress it at the International Catechetical Congress in Rome in 1971. One member of their team, the Reverend William Tobin, has since left the priesthood and married in a Protestant Church.

The National Office of Religious Education led a long fight against the passing of the Bishops' doctrinal document "Basic Teachings of Catholic Doctrine," which is composed on the basis of the General Catechetical Directory. Since they failed in this attempt, they presented a Pastoral Letter to the bishops entitled, "To Teach as Jesus Did," which plainly diluted the orthodoxy of the Church. After both documents were voted on and passed by the bishops, the liberals are making the attempt to promote only "To Teach as Jesus Did," in an attempt to promote this and discard the Basic Teachings. This is a strategy for sidestepping Orthodoxy and promoting Modernism.

The USCC drew up the first draft of "Basic Teachings of the Catholic Doctrine," which was so atrocious that even on a short interval of study (which was at the time given to the bishops) it was obvious to the bishops that acceptance of it would have been tantamount to an abdication of their responsibilities.

Another example of the manner in which the Modernists of the National Office have taken over the responsibilities of the bishops is a recent study, "Aid for Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education" published by the National Office. It recommends books of authors whose ideas and philosophies the bishops are striving to exclude from Catholic teaching when they published their "Basic Teachings ..."

We are rapidly becoming a nation of sex maniacs, and the Church is not combatting it with sufficient force and conviction. The Church has lost much of its influence for good in America through the disaffection of many of the Diocesan Commissions on Education, through the introduction of amoral if not immoral sex education programs, such as the "Becoming a Person Program."

Humanistic religion texts play a large part in the sex education program leading to moral relativism. False teaching about conscience is widespread, asserting that conscience is supreme, and making each person his own judge. Situation ethics is rampant, ignoring the fact that the Church teaches that there are some things which are evil at all times and in all situations.

These attitudes are so consistent and persistent as to warrant the charge that there is something very like a conspiracy to corrupt Doctrine and Morals. The effort has been strong, obvious and so open as to be evident to all who wish to adhere to the Teaching Magisterium that it is a pronounced and well organized campaign.

This effort is so powerful and consistent that the laity, largely uninstructed, has become confused and apathetic. The large outcry which the laity originally made was quelled by ridicule of priests and nuns who are promoting the "new theology" or Modernism. Parents have been intimidated and put down—or ignored. Only here and there in the large community of the United States has a bishop heard the pleas of parents and supported their cry. Efforts, however, on the part of bishops to resolve the problem has led to widespread rebellion on the part of priests and nuns.

Many of the textbooks in common use fail to emphasize the supernatural position of the Pope in the Church as the Vicar of Christ and the Successor of Peter; neither do they make it clear that His instructions to the whole Church on matters of Faith and Morals are to be adhered to according to his "manifest mind and will."

The Pope is merely regarded as the head of the Church. Many state that all the Holy Father has to do is to give expression to the consensus of the Church, so that it is made to appear that doctrine comes from below rather than from above, and the Pope merely puts into effect what comes from the people. This is the "new democracy" being promoted within our Church.

The supernatural aspect of the Holy Father's position is viewed through an attitude of naturalism and secular humanism.

The Catholic University of America

The tenor of the loyalty of some of the academic personnel, especially those teaching Moral Theology, was best exemplified, Your Holiness, by the incident with which you are acquainted, when so many priests signed the proclamation against Humanae Vitae, with Father Charles Curran, who later wrote a disastrously damaging book, serving as leading spokesman.

I was one of those who resigned as a member of the Board of Regents at that time.

The scandal is that these men have never been reprimanded nor forced to relinquish their positions. This has led to moral confusion and has been responsible in large measure for the continuing deterioration of respect for the position of the Holy Father in the Church, and a substantial disregard of obedience among the clergy and the religious in the United States.

Speakers at workshops imply, but never come out directly and publicly state, that obedience to the Pope is passé.

A member of another denomination, reported as being a "scholar" in the Episcopal Church said recently to a newspaper reporter, "No Catholic believes in infallibility of the Pope anymore. I talk with many priests and sisters constantly. They do not believe it."

When the reporter remonstrated, saying he was a Catholic and followed the Magisterium, the answer was, "You are in the minority. And, if it is not Catholic, why are those who deny the infallibility of the Pope not excommunicated?"

This Episcopal priest went on to tell the reporter that Catholic belief changes "with the belief of the faithful" implying that soon these people will be influencing the Church's change in Doctrine and Dogma.

Catholic Church Leaders and Teachers are Compromising

a) On the Authority of the Pope and the Teaching Magisterium.

b) On the Divinity of Christ and His Real Presence in the Eucharist.

c) On the Virgin Mary and her position in the Church (despite the excellent pastoral letter on Mary published by the United States Bishops).

d) On the Inerrancy of Scripture.

e) On Morals: Homosexuality is being widely flaunted. Many bishops are not providing uncompromising and outspoken leadership, while at the same time the famous Protestant evangelist, Billy Graham, reports that Catholics are flocking to him and his crusades.

f) Through this adulterated education, there is a steady erosion of belief and compromise with the secular and vulgar in Church music and worship.

Elementary and High School

Defective texts are recommended for the teaching of religion, and show the influence of the "Dutch Catechism" and process theology, ongoing revelation, worldly attitudes, and false teaching on conscience, leading to private judgment.


The grave conditions in seminaries across the United States is widely known. Serious candidates to the priesthood seek vocational instruction in the few faithful schools left here in America or in Europe.

Discipline in the seminaries has for the most part been replaced by permissiveness. In some seminaries candidates for the priesthood are permitted, if not encouraged, to "date" girls.

Traditional, scholastic theology has been replaced by "on going" revelation. Professors having fundamental views are dismissed from faculties.

Behaviorist psychology has replaced deep spiritual analysis of character.

In a recently published letter, an ordained priest wrote of his recent seminary training:

Some priests (not all) discouraged Eucharistic devotion. A number of us "went out on a limb" and fought for Benediction and Adoration once a month. Less than 20 per cent of the seminarians participated. The more liberal students disparaged the practice as a "kooky worship."

Textbooks are frequently based on the Dutch Catechism.

The priest reported that professors wear secular clothing and only one wore his cassock in chapel.

The result of the conduct and lack of inspirational leadership on the part of professors in seminaries has caused many young men to give up in disgust. This, at a time we desperately need priests.


Catholic Universities and Colleges

In the past nine years, many of the leading colleges and universities in the United States have disclaimed Catholic connections in favor of lay boards. This was done primarily to be in a position to receive federal funds. However, these schools have lost almost all of their Catholic character.

Leading abortionists have been invited to speak at such famous former bastions of the Faith as Notre Dame. Planned Parenthood speakers have been welcomed there.

One United States Catholic University this spring honored one of the most out-spoken pro-abortionist women in the country with an honorary degree. This scandalized the faithful across the land.

Theologies of every variety are taught. Religion classes in many instances are a travesty. They are worse than heretical and may be classed as downright immoral. Documentation is available on this through curriculum prospectus material.

Few students graduating from these schools retain their faith; a fact which speaks for itself.



Your Holiness, you most opportunely and sternly rebuked the innovators of the Canons of the Mass.

There is, however, a decided and strong movement within the Liturgical Commission of the NCCB/USCC itself to shift the Mass from its Traditional and essential position of Sacrifice to one of a community meal or fellowship.

The emasculated language of the liturgy itself leads to an opportunity to betray the great, mystical awe and sacrificial aspect with which Our Lord endowed the greatest of all Catholic treasures.

The ICEL translation has done this for example—The Latin words, as you know are:

We offer Your Sacred Majesty
This pure Victim
This Holy Victim, This Spotless Victim
This Holy Bread of life eternal
This Chalice of eternal Salvation.

This is how the ICEL version reads (lines in italics indicate what has been left out):

We offer your Sacred Majesty
This pure Victim
This holy Victim, This spotless Victim
This holy Bread of life eternal
This Chalice of eternal salvation.

Again, the Latin version:

As we come in a spirit of humility
And with contrite hearts may we be
Accepted by You, O Lord.
And may our Sacrifice, in
Your Presence, this day, please You
O Lord God.

And, the ICEL version:

Lord God, we ask You to receive us
and be pleased with the sacrifice we
offer you with humble and contrite heart.

In the Offertory, the original Latin reads, "Orate fratres, ut meum ac vestrum sacrificium acceptabile fiat..." Here the clear distinction is stressed between the sacrifice of the Ministerial Priest and the sacrifice of the people. However, in the English translation this distinction is eliminated with the words, "Pray Brethren, that our sacrifice ..." This translation seems to connote the Protestant mentality on the ministerial priesthood.

At the Consecration, in the original Latin, after the words, "Hoc facite in meum commemorationem" are added the words, "Mysterium fidei," which refer to the preceding words, signifying the change of bread into the Body of Christ, and the change of wine into the Blood of Christ. And then are added the words, "Mortem tuam annuntiamus Domine, et tuam resurrectionem confitemur, donec venias."

In the English translation, after the words, "Do this in memory of Me," is stated, "Let us proclaim the Mystery of Faith:"—This translation with the colon (:) at the end, actually tells the reader that the mystery is NOT the change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, but the death, resurrection and the coming of Christ.

This arbitrary handling of the language of the Mass has provoked many faithful people and priests and they have refused to use the English version of the text and consequently a good number of the faithful have an aversion toward the new Ordo per se.

Many have even discontinued going to Mass, due to the fact that some ultra-conservative priests have told them that the new translation is invalid.

Holy Father, to save these people for the Church and the Sacraments, it would seem advisable to allow the use of the Tridentine Mass until an English version can be prepared which is faithful to the original.

Authorative Position of ICEL

When one concerned scholar approached Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia, President of the NCCB, about the poor translations, Cardinal Krol declared he had no veto power over ICEL.

We know this is not technically true, but this has been the way it functioned. According to the agreement between ICEL and the National Bishops Conference of the English speaking language, as published in Notitiae, the National Bishops Conferences are not even obliged to take ICEL's translation if they find it in error, or if they don't want it. The Liturgical Commission authorities have intimidated bishops by sending directives as to words to be printed in bold face or red ink. The ICEL has become the Magisterium for the liturgy in fact and practice, if not in truth.



This association is dominated by theologians, not those deeply concerned with exegesis of a fundamental nature. The "theologians" trading as biblical scholars are using Historical-Critical method of Scriptural study and on the whole seem to ignore the inerrancy of Scripture.

Scripture is being interpreted by individual theologians, in a purely Protestant manner, to fit the ideas of Modernism, idealism, and relativism.

They are busy "demythologizing" Scripture, thus implying or proposing that the Bible is based on myth (else how demythologize it?), and worst of all, are publishing their opinions without thought of submitting them for authoritative supervision, thus further confusing the laity, priests, religious, and unfortunately, some bishops.

All of this strikes a dangerous blow to the fundamental, traditional Catholic teaching and denigrates the Teaching Magisterium.

Even though Vatican II documents mention Theology and Theologians but once or twice, these self-styled theologians are putting themselves forward as the leaders of teaching and belief in the Church.



This, quite emphatically, is one of the most dangerous movements in the Church in America today.

The Pentecostals would, it would seem, separate the Holy Spirit from Christ. They would make the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" a separate Sacrament—ignoring the Sacrament of Confirmation for all practical purposes.

It has led to a new type of Ecumenism which puts the individual Catholic into dominantly Protestant surroundings and minimizes the supernatural nature of the Institutional Church, so that Protestant Episcopal leaders are more appealing to them than the Pope and the Magisterium of the Church.

Through the movement, it is claimed some have been made more zealous in the practice of their faith, but in fact it develops a totally subjective type of relationship to God.

The movement has its roots in a dangerous enthusiasm, though it has gained momentum through tepidity and lack of spiritual leadership of many of the clergy, who it may justifiably be said have performed their sacred functions in a ritualistic manner. Also administrative duties, pressing and more complicated than ever before, have absorbed too many priests to the neglect of spiritual fervor.



Your Holiness, you know the story of Vatican II. The Holy Spirit prevailed to protect the Church and its pronouncements from those who would have cast her in a different mold.

But when there is intent to change a way is found. "We did not prevail at the Council, so we will translate the documents of Vatican II to suit our purpose." This has equivalently been said many times over, by those who would reduce the Church to secular humanism.

"The spirit of Vatican II" is the watchword of those who refuse to accept the literal meaning of the documents.

The document on conscience, dealing with religious freedom, especially in those countries where governments have refused religious liberty, has been interpreted and used to give individual, subjective rights to determine each situation. Each person may determine situations according to his or her own conscience. This is a convenient boost to situation ethics.The influence of Immanuel Kant and his followers prevails.

Words, traditionally used in the Christian sense have been divested of their historic meaning. Fellowship is used to bear on a horizontal community. The Eucharist has become an "agape banquet or feast," symbolizing man's fraternity.

Communicants flock to the Communion rail in all sorts of attire, from short shorts to near bathing suit undress. Some pastors seem loath to condemn this lack of respect for God's Holy House.

Near jazz music in rollicking fashion accompanies those approaching the Table of Our Lord. Frequently Communion is distributed by lay persons—in the churches of cities—not in far-away missions. Communion in the hand was vetoed by the American bishops. Yet in practice it is distributed in the hand by obstinate and disobedient priests.

Many children do not genuflect anymore. Many adults also fail to genuflect. They roam around the church, sit down in their pew without even so much as a nod to recognize Our Lord in the Tabernacle.


The bread and wine have been too completely represented as symbols "of the work of men's hands."

Those who would hold to the Fundamental, Literal Creedal teachings of the Magisterium are too often ridiculed as pessimistic or divisive and unwilling to be updated.

The genuineness of devout Worship of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, uniting man to God, is a near-lost concept in the new manner of worship.

Because of the thrust of Vatican II was not to punish or to excommunicate, now, all too often those bishops who are fervent in their allegiance to the Holy See and Holy Mother the Church are powerless in the face of the entrenched strong bureaucracy in the USCC/NCCB.

There is a strong segment of the laity, small but vocal, who cry out against this manipulation, but they are bitterly attacked as "divisive."

May Our Lord not rebuke us for fear of the storm that tosses the bark of Peter and seems to grow more intense? For we say, "Lord save us, lest the Church in America perish," as we have seen happen in country after country in our time. The enemy in the other cases has been on the outside—in the form of tyrannical governments. The enemy in the Church in the United States is within.


Your Holiness, we are happy indeed that the coming Synod of Bishops will concentrate on Evangelism. The number of converts has dropped to such an alarming low as to cause grave concern.

In contrast, fundamentalist Protestant Churches have been growing, plainly because they have held to the basic tenets of Christian belief.

While we have had too many hyphenated clerics, priest-sociologists, priest-psychologists, etc., trying to make Jesus Christ "relevant" to our times, our more conservative Protestant brethren have accepted Him and His message as relevant for all ages, all peoples, all cultures, and all times. The phenomenal success of the Evangelist Billy Graham would prove this.

Missions are becoming a rarity in the United States and where 20 years ago churches were packed for these spiritual renewals, today the audiences are meager and scattered. Few parishes undertake them.


The greatest moral scandal of our current time is the lax attitude toward such crimes against God and the natural law as homosexuality. There is a strong movement, endorsed by far too many priests and religious, to condone this vice.

In the August 31 edition of the "Detroit News," a secular newspaper, Father Anthony Kosnik, a professor of Orchard Lake Seminary and head of a Catholic Theological Association committee preparing a study of homosexuality, is quoted as saying:

The majority of Catholic theologians argue for a more pastoral approach. They would find acceptable a homosexual relationship in which a person grows. This stable relationship may offer them a chance to grow as persons and integrate their sexuality.

These overt attacks on the Moral Teaching of the Church, by members of the Church, in the public press, are all too frequent. 

A Monsignor Clement Kern, pastor of Most Holy Trinity Church in Detroit, offered a Mass for those involved in the "gay" homosexual movement, and a Sister Jo An McAnoy, I.H.M., collaborated in it.

Cardinal John Deardon has been attempting to deal with the critical situation, but in reply to his letter stating the Church's position on the unnatural act, these people left the Mass to picket the Chancery, carrying such blasphemous signs as:

"I'm Gay (a homosexual), and Jesus is my Lover."

"Get the Church and State out of bedrooms."

Unless the Church in America enforces radical, strict and immediate disciplinary action against priests and religious promoting such scandalous conduct, the evil done will be irreparable.


In many Catholic universities, colleges and high schools, students are advised that if they are engaged, and committed, sex relations are permissible before marriage. Some priests are known to be so instructing them.

Catholics, as recently reported by the bishops, through the press, are coming more and more to accept the moral stand of secularism.

Holy Father, I consider this my Sacred Duty to inform you personally of these conditions in the Church in the United States.

I trust, Your Holiness, that you may verify these facts through the Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine for the Faith, which is entrusted by you to preserve the Faith and Morals in the Church founded by Christ.

Humbly prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness, I am,

Devotedly yours in Christ

+  Robert J. Dwyer
Retired Archbishop of
Portland in Oregon
20 July 1975