Angel Talk

Dedicated to the Angels for Children


3 angels

For the Littlest Angel

I. Things to Look Up.

1. On whose feast day were you born?____________________________________

2. What saint were you named after?_____________________________________

3. When is his (or her) feast day celebrated?_______________________________


II. Things to Do.

1. Find out something about the life of the Saint you were named after .

2. Look for a picture of him (or her) and put it up in your room.

3. Say a prayer to him (or her) everyday to help you get to heaven.


For the Bigger Angel

What Saint:

1. promised to let fall from heaven a shower of roses? ________________________
2. was the first martyr? _______________________________________________
3. found the true cross on which Our Lord was crucified? _____________________
4. is the patroness of music? __________________________________________
5. is the first canonized saint from the United States? ________________________
6. was converted by the prayers of his mother, St. Monica? ____________________
7. saved France and was burned at the stake? _____________________________
8. loved holy poverty and animals? ______________________________________
9. is the patron saint of Ireland? ________________________________________


Symbols Pictured with the Saint Tell Us Something About His Life.
Match the Symbols

1. Lily a. Preachers
2. Palm b. Angels
3. Tiara (triple crown) c. Purity
4. Wings d. Bishops
5. Crown e. Saints who suffered much
6. Mitre and staff f. Martyrs
7. Banner and cross g.Missionaries
8. Crucifix h. Popes
9. Crown of thorns i. Saints of royal blood





Match The Saints

1. St. Joseph a. Wonder Worker of Padua
2. St. Theresa b. Patron Saint of Travelers
3. St. Raphael c. Beloved Disciple
4. St. Christopher d. Patron of the Universal Church
5. St. Paul e. Heavenly Physician
6. St. John f. Little Flower of Jesus
7. St. Thomas Aquinas g. Saint of Impossible Cases
8. St. Jude h. Apostle of the Gentiles
9. St. Anthony i. Angelic Doctor


Place the Saints After the Religious Orders Which They Founded

Saint Benedict

1. Redemptorists ____________________________

Saint Ignatius Loyola

2. Passionists ______________________________
St. Dominic 3. Vincentians ______________________________
Saint Alphonsus Liguori 4. Benedictines _____________________________
Saint Francis of Assisi 5. Christian Brothers _________________________
Saint Augustine 6. Franciscans _____________________________
Saint Paul of the Cross 7. Augustinians ____________________________
Saint John Baptist de la Salle 8. Jesuits _________________________________
Saint Vincent de Paul 9. Dominicans _____________________________


True or False

True False
1. Catholics adore God but only venerate saints.    
2. All saints are honored on All Souls' Day.    
3. When a person is beatified, he is given the title of Blessed.    
4. When a person is canonized, he is given the title of Saint.    
5. The Pope can make a mistake in declaring a person is a saint.    
6. Relics are bodies of saints or objects directly connected with them or with Our Lord.    
7. There are no relics of Jesus Christ in the world today.    
8. Altar stones contain relics of martyrs.    
9. A pilgrimage is a journey made to a shrine or holy place.    



WHAT SAINT: 1- St. Theresa, 2-St. Stephen, 3-St. Helen, 4-St. Cecilia, 5-St. Mother Cabrini, 6-St. Augustine, 7-St. Joan of Arc, 8-St. Francis of Assisi, 9-St. Patrick.

SYMBOL MATCH- 1-c, 2-f, 3-h, 4-b, 5-i, 6-d, 7-g, 8-a, 9-e.

UNSCRAMBLE-Halo, Relic, Saint, Honor, Martyr, Venerate, Virgin, Shrine, Angels

MATCH THE SAINTS- 1-d, 2-f, 3-e, 4-b, 5-h, 6-c, 7-i, 8-g, 9-a

RELIGIOUS ORDERS - 1-St. Alphonsus Liguori, 2-St. Vincent of the Cross, 3-St. Vincent de Paul, 4-St. Benedict, 5-St. John Baptist de la Salle, 6-St. Francis of Assisi, 7-St. Augustine, 8-St. Ignatius Loyola, 9-St. Dominic.

TRUE OR FALSE- 1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-F, 6-T, 7-F, 8-T, 9-T